The Only 2 Animals That Can Live With a Leopard Gecko (in the Same Tank)

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While keeping a leopard gecko can be quite fulfilling, it’s natural to want to get an additional pet. But which animals can you add to your leopard gecko’s tank?

There are a few animals that can live in the same tank as your leopard gecko. These include frogs and turtles. However, most reptiles can’t share the same tank with leopard geckos. You shouldn’t even put more than one leopard gecko in the same tank.

Other Reptiles that can live with a leopard gecko

There are really only two reptiles that will work as tank mates for leopard geckos. You should never put other lizards such as bearded dragons in with your leopard gecko as they can become aggressive.

1. Turtles

This cutie will get on well with your leopard gecko

While turtles are very different from leopard geckos, these two can be great tank mates.

Ensure that the tank you use is properly set up for both these animals. For instance, you’ll need a large tank that can comfortably accommodate both pets.

Also, it’s advisable to set up more hiding spots for your leopard gecko than usual. This is because they may need to take more time to themselves when they feel threatened or tired. 

If you want a couple of good hides – here’s a basic, cheap one that I really like.

Another thing to keep in mind is that turtles tend to spray water on the walls of their tanks – something that can get into your gecko’s habitat.

However, turtles are usually calm, friendly, and won’t try to attack your gecko. All things considered, this partnership is usually stress-free and beautiful. 

Be wary of trying to house your turtle with other types of pets though – some of them are dangerous to fish and frogs. Also, keep in mind that turtles require more effort to take care of than leopard geckos. 

2. Frogs 

Frogs can be great companions for leopard geckos – you just have to ensure that you choose the right types of frogs. So don’t rush – take your time researching the different types of frogs available in your area.

For best results, opt for frogs that are asleep during the night and awake during the day. Since most leopard geckos usually sleep during the day and are active at night, their schedules won’t be bothered by that of such frogs.

In fact, a leopard gecko and frog can live in the same tank for months without seeing each other. 

Two types of frogs that make particularly good companions for leopard geckos are Mantella and poison dart frogs. While the latter are usually toxic in the wild, they aren’t in captivity.

This is because their toxicity usually stems from what they eat while in the wild. So when they are held captive, the toxicity fades away.  

Beware of frogs that secrete toxins naturally though – these include fire-belly frogs and American toads. These can harm your leopard gecko and even other reptiles. It’s also important to opt for small frogs.

Large frogs can try to eat your leopard gecko and even other larger animals in the tank. As such, horned frogs, large toads, and large bullfrogs aren’t meant to share a tank with your gecko. 

What do you need to consider when getting a tank mate for your leopard gecko?

If you’re thinking of adding another animal to your leopard gecko’s tank, here are a few things you need to think about:

1. Living Conditions

No matter which animal you want to add to your leopard gecko’s tank, you need to assess how their needs differ. The more similar the animals’ temperature, heat, and space needs, the more compatible they are. This is why crested geckos do not make good tank mates for leopard geckos.

Ideally, it would be great if you found an animal that can thrive in the same desert climate that leopard geckos are accustomed to. 

2. Competition

When you put animals that eat the same things together, competition can arise and they can start fighting for food. This can lead to violence and bullying.

This is why reptiles put together can start fighting each other. You may even notice that your leopard gecko drops their tail when you introduce another animal. 

3. Predation

Before you introduce another animal to your leopard gecko’s tank, ensure that they won’t prey on your gecko. That’s why it’s important to opt for animals that don’t eat leopard geckos and aren’t significantly bigger than them. 

How to introduce another animal to your leopard gecko’s tank

Introducing a new animal to your leopard gecko’s tank is a delicate process. It usually involves:

1. Preparing financially

Obviously, the more pets you have, the more money you’ll need to spend. So before you get another pet, ensure you plan for how you’ll pay for food, lighting, heating, and care.

2. Quarantining the animals

Before you introduce any animal to your leopard gecko’s tank, it’s advisable to take them for health checks and then quarantine them for at least one month.

This is the only way to ensure that the animal doesn’t carry any diseases or parasites that they can transmit to your gecko.

After all, leopard geckos are more susceptible to infections when they’re under stress, like when they’re being introduced to a new animal. 

3. Monitoring the animals’ personalities

Before you put a new animal with your leopard gecko, you need to monitor its personality and see how compatible it is with your pet’s.

So take your time when choosing the new pet – you can even go to the breeder regularly to keep an eye on a potential addition. 

Should you keep your leopard gecko alone?

Leopard geckos are generally solitary animals and thrive when housed alone. So don’t worry about your leopard gecko getting bored – they will be fine.

Final thoughts 

Try getting a frog or turtle if you’re thinking of adding another animal to your leopard gecko’s tank. These two animals are calm, friendly, and compatible with leopard geckos.

Whatever you do though, don’t house your leopard gecko with a crested gecko, bearded dragon, or even a fellow Leo.

These reptiles are usually aggressive to each other, especially when they are of the same gender or some are larger than others. In fact, it’s best to avoid housing your leopard gecko with any other reptile. 

1 thought on “The Only 2 Animals That Can Live With a Leopard Gecko (in the Same Tank)”

  1. Wow, thank you for an educated and helpful post… A rare thing these days….
    Any frog suggestions for a typical male leopard gecko (late Juvenile/early adult) in a huge tank with plenty of room for different atmospheres?

    Should I : leave as is, make myself happy with a frog, or try a female gecko ?

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