10 Reasons Your Leopard Gecko is Hiding All the Time

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Is your leopard gecko hiding all the time? You are probably wondering what’s causing this behavior.

In this article, we’ll explore the top 10 reasons why leopard geckos hide and provide tips to create a comfortable and healthy environment for your pet.

1. Security and Comfort

Your leopard gecko might simply be looking for security and comfort. In the wild, these reptiles are constantly on the lookout for potential predators. They will seek out safe hiding spots to avoid becoming prey.

Although your pet does not face the same dangers in its enclosure, it still relies on these instincts to find comfort and feel protected.

Ensuring your leopard gecko has multiple hides in its tank can help cater to its need for security and comfort. 

These hides should be placed in different temperature zones to give your gecko options, depending on whether it requires warmth or cold.

2. Shedding Process

When your gecko is about to shed, it may spend more time in its moist hide to help soften the skin and make it easier to remove.

Additionally, your pet might have a reduced appetite during this time, so don’t be alarmed if it spends more time hiding instead of actively exploring or eating.

Providing proper humidity by adding a moist hide to support this shedding process is essential, as an incomplete shed can lead to health issues. 

You can create a moist hide using damp sphagnum moss, paper towel, or coconut coir substrate in a dark and secluded hide box.

3. Inadequate Hides

Proper hiding spots are essential for your leopard gecko’s comfort and wellbeing.

If you don’t have enough hides or they are too small, your gecko may feel exposed, leading them to hide excessively.

Ensure you have at least two hides, one for each end of the temperature gradient and a moist hide for shedding.

4. Improper Temperature

Leopard geckos are sensitive to temperature fluctuations and need a proper gradient to regulate their body temperature.

If the enclosure temperatures are incorrect, your gecko may hide to seek a more comfortable area.

Use a thermostat to maintain an appropriate temperature range, ensuring a warm basking spot and a cooler area for rest. Improper heating might be one reason why your gecko is hiding.

5. Lighting is Too Bright

Leopard geckos are nocturnal creatures, meaning they are more active during the night and prefer low light conditions. If their enclosure is too bright, they might feel stressed and retreat to their hides.

Consider using red or blue bulbs that provide heat without emitting bright light and adjust the room’s lighting accordingly.

6. Small or Overcrowded Enclosure

A small or overcrowded enclosure can make your leopard gecko feel stressed and insecure, leading them to hide all the time.

Ensure there’s ample space for each gecko, with separate hides and basking spots; otherwise, they may become territorial or stressed. 

Remember that a comfortable, spacious environment is key to keeping your leopard gecko happy.

7. Brumation

Brumation is a period of dormancy similar to hibernation that many reptiles, including leopard geckos, experience in colder months or when there is a decrease in daylight hours. 

During brumation, your leopard gecko’s metabolism slows down, and they may spend most of their time hiding and not moving to conserve energy.

It’s essential to provide a proper hiding place for your gecko during this time. It’s best to provide a tight, dark space for your gecko to feel secure while brumating.

Keep an eye on your leopard gecko’s behavior during brumation. Although they might be less active and eat less, they should still be alert and responsive when handled.

Ensure that the temperature in your gecko’s enclosure doesn’t drop too low, as this can lead to health issues. Maintain a temperature range of 75-78°F (24-26°C) in the enclosure during brumation.

If you have concerns about your leopard gecko’s behavior or well-being during brumation, consult your veterinarian.

8. Illness or Injury

Your leopard gecko may be hiding due to an illness or injury. These can manifest in various ways, impacting your pet’s behavior and causing them to seek refuge for comfort and safety.

9. Stress-Related Illnesses

Stress can weaken your leopard gecko’s immune system, making them more susceptible to illness.

Factors such as incorrect temperature and humidity levels, insufficient shelter, or even frequent handling can contribute to stress in your gecko.

If you suspect that stress may cause your gecko’s behavior, it is important to identify and address the stressors in your gecko’s environment.

10. Physical Injuries

Physical injuries may also prompt your leopard gecko to hide more often. These injuries can include wounds, burns from heat sources, or even injuries sustained while shedding.

If you notice swelling, bleeding, or discoloration on your gecko’s body, it may indicate an injury that requires immediate attention.

It’s crucial to provide proper care and consult a veterinarian if you suspect an injury is causing your gecko to hide frequently.

Observing your leopard gecko’s behavior and monitoring its well-being can help you determine if an illness or injury is causing is to blame.

Addressing these issues early on ensures your leopard gecko remains healthy and comfortable in its environment.

How to Encourage Your Leopard Gecko to Stop Hiding

If your leopard gecko is hiding excessively, addressing the underlying cause and making necessary environmental changes to ensure its comfort and well-being is essential.

Here are some steps you can take to encourage your leopard gecko to stop hiding and become more active:

1. Review and Adjust the Environment

Ensure that your leopard gecko’s enclosure meets its needs.

Provide appropriate temperature gradients, adequate hides, and proper lighting. Make adjustments as needed to create a comfortable and stress-free environment.

2. Create a Consistent Routine

Establishing a consistent routine can help reduce stress and anxiety for your leopard gecko. This includes feeding, handling, and cleaning the enclosure at regular intervals.

A predictable schedule can help your gecko feel more secure and encourage them to leave their hiding spots.

3. Minimize Stress Factors

Identify and eliminate potential stressors, such as excessive noise, vibrations, or frequent handling.

Keep the enclosure in a quiet, low-traffic area of your home to reduce disturbances.

4. Gradually Increase Interaction

If your leopard gecko is hiding due to a lack of socialization, gradually increase your interaction with them.

Start by spending time near their enclosure, allowing them to become familiar with your presence. Once they seem comfortable, you can gently handle them for short periods.

5. Provide Enrichment

Leopard geckos are curious creatures that enjoy exploring their environment.

Enrichment items, such as climbing branches, plants, or new hides, can encourage your gecko to come out of hiding and engage with its surroundings.

6. Monitor Health and Well-being

Pay close attention to your leopard gecko’s behavior and overall health. If you suspect illness or injury is causing your gecko to hide, consult a veterinarian for guidance and treatment.