How Big Do Leopard Geckos Get? (A Guide to Leopard Gecko Sizes)

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As a reptile enthusiast, I am often asked about the size of leopard geckos.

In this article, I will explore the growth patterns of leopard geckos and provide all the information you need about their size.

I will cover the different factors impacting leopard gecko growth rates & size. Plus some tips on ensuring your Leo is happy, healthy and growing properly.

How Big Do Leopard Geckos Get?

Adult female leopard geckos usually reach 6 to 8 inches in length, while males can grow even larger at 8 to 10 inches. These little lizards continue growing from birth until they reach their full size at around 18 months. 

Factors Affecting Leopard Gecko Size

Several factors affect the size of leopard geckos. In this section, we’ll dive into various elements that can potentially play a role in determining their overall size.


Genetics have a significant impact on the size of a leopard gecko. Different morphs can vary in size, and their genetics essentially lay the foundation for their growth potential.


Another critical factor in determining a leopard gecko’s size is its sex. Adult male leopard geckos can grow up to 7 to 10 inches long, whereas adult females typically reach 6 to 8 inches.

Diet and Nutrition

The diet and nutrition of a leopard gecko are essential elements that influence their growth. A proper diet of quality food, vitamins, and minerals will enable healthy growth and ensure they reach full size.


The overall health of a leopard gecko is crucial to its growth. Illness or parasites can stunt their growth and prevent them from growing. Keeping up with regular health checks and maintaining a clean environment can significantly impact their development.


The habitat in which the leopard gecko lives can directly impact its growth. The temperature, humidity, and enclosure size must be optimal, or growth might be stunted.


Leopard geckos are nocturnal creatures, so they do not require the same level of light exposure as diurnal reptiles. However, providing appropriate lighting is still essential for their overall health and well-being, which can affect their growth indirectly.

Importance of Factors

Here’s a table rating the different factors from most important to least important:

GeneticsMost Important
Diet and NutritionHigh
LightingLeast Important

Average Size of Leopard Geckos

As a leopard gecko owner, I’ve learned that these fascinating reptiles come in various sizes depending on age, sex, and morph. Let me share some information about their average sizes so you can better understand them.

Baby leopard geckos start off tiny when they first hatch, measuring around 3 to 4 inches in length from nose to tail tip. As they grow and reach adulthood, they can reach up to 7 to 10 inches long. Larger specimens like the giant leopard gecko can get to be as long as a foot!

To give you a clearer picture, here’s a table showing the average size of leopard geckos at different age stages:

AgeAverage Size
Hatchling (0 months)3 – 4 inches
Juvenile (3 – 9 months)4 – 7 inches
Adult (18 months+)7 – 10 inches

Size Comparison with Other Geckos

In this section, I want to share with you a size comparison of leopard geckos with other types of geckos. This should help give you an idea of how big leopard geckos can get.

As we already discussed, adult leopard geckos grow to 7-8 inches for females and 8-10 inches for males.

However, many other geckos are out there, and their size varies considerably. Let’s take a look at some of the common gecko species and their general size ranges.

Type of GeckoSize Range
Leopard Gecko7-10 inches
Crested Gecko7-9 inches
Gargoyle Gecko6-9 inches
Day Gecko4-12 inches
Tokay Gecko10-15 inches

As you can see from the table, most geckos fall within a similar size range. Some, like the Tokay Gecko, can grow significantly larger than leopard geckos.

Others, such as Day Geckos, vary widely in size due to the numerous subspecies.

Geckos in a single species can vary significantly in size and appearance due to factors like genetics and environment.

Stay tuned for the next section of this article, where we’ll discuss even more fascinating facts about these amazing reptiles!

Housing and Enclosure Size

When it comes to housing our leopard geckos, picking the right enclosure size is vital to their growth and well-being.

In my experience, it’s best to invest in an adult-sized enclosure from the start since it provides ample space for your gecko to roam and explore. It’s essential to give them room to grow and feel comfortable.

I usually recommend providing a 20-gallon long tank for adult leopard geckos. This size offers enough space for them to move around and stay active, which is crucial for their overall health.

If you plan on getting a juvenile leopard gecko, a 10-gallon long tank should work too.

However, it’s usually better to opt for the 20-gallon tank to save yourself the trouble of upgrading later.

Remember, a larger enclosure will help your gecko reach its full growth potential and lead a healthier life.

In addition to the tank size, it’s important to include proper hiding spots in the enclosure. You should provide a minimum of two hides, but three are preferable.

Having multiple hides allows my leopard geckos to thermoregulate their body temperatures effectively while providing them a sense of security.

Don’t forget to add a heat mat that covers about 30% of the enclosure. This helps to create a warm and cozy spot for your gecko to relax in.

Combine this with a reliable thermostat, hydrometer, and thermometer to maintain optimal temperature and humidity conditions essential for your gecko’s growth.

Ultimately, it’s important for us to invest time and effort into creating a suitable housing environment for our leopard geckos.

A well-designed enclosure, with the right size and hiding spots, will encourage healthy growth.

Tips for Optimal Growth

As a leopard gecko owner, I am constantly researching different ways to keep my pet healthy and growing at an optimal rate. In this section, I’ll share some valuable tips on feeding, temperature and humidity, and regular health check-ups that have helped my leopard gecko thrive.


One of the most important factors in your leopard gecko’s growth is its diet. I have found that providing a variety of insects like crickets, mealworms, and dubia roaches keeps my gecko healthy and interested in eating.

To further enhance their growth, I gut-load the insects with nutritious vegetables before feeding them.

Additionally, I dust their prey with calcium and multivitamin supplements a few times per week to ensure my gecko gets all the necessary nutrients for proper development.

Temperature and Humidity

Maintaining proper temperature and humidity levels in your leopard gecko’s enclosure is crucial for their health and growth. Leopard geckos are nocturnal creatures that need a warm spot during the day to absorb heat.

I use a heat mat on one side of the enclosure to create a temperature gradient, with the warm side being between 88 to 92°F (31 to 33°C) and the cooler side around 75°F (24°C).

Leopard geckos prefer a relatively low humidity of around 30% to 40%.

However, it’s essential to provide a moist hide with damp moss or paper towels for proper shedding. I monitor these conditions and adjust them accordingly to ensure my gecko stays comfortable and healthy.

Health Check-ups

Just like with us humans, regular health check-ups can help catch any issues early on and address them before they become a problem.

I take my leopard gecko to a reptile-savvy veterinarian annually for a general health assessment. This helps identify potential growth problems and ensures my gecko is free from parasites or infections that could hinder its growth.

I have seen significant improvements in their growth and health by following these tips and keeping a close eye on my leopard gecko’s overall well-being.

As a dedicated owner, you can provide your leopard gecko with the best possible care for optimal growth.

Giant and Super Giant Leopard Geckos

I discovered that giant and super giant leopard gecko morphs grow significantly larger than average.

I found learning about these remarkable morphs fascinating and wanted to share some interesting information with you.

Giant and super giant leopard geckos are specialized morphs selectively bred for their size. Males are over 110 grams, and females are over 90 grams per year of age.

They can be any pattern or color, so there’s no visible way to tell a giant from a super giant until they are about 10-12 months old.

A super giant leopard gecko can easily reach 12 inches in length, which is quite striking compared to the average 6-10 inches for their non-giant counterparts.

The care and maintenance for giant and super giant leopard geckos are generally similar to regular-sized geckos. However, their larger size might require a slightly larger enclosure and additional considerations for their diet and well-being.

I hope you find giant and super giant leopard geckos as fascinating as I do. They truly are unique and impressive creatures!

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