High Yellow Leopard Gecko

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  • High Yellow Leopard Geckos have vibrant yellow coloration and reduced black spotting compared to wild-type counterparts.
  • High Yellow were one of the first morphs introduced in the United States, contributing to the diversity of Leopard Gecko morphs.
  • High Yellow Leopard Geckos require specific care tailored to their needs (see below for more details).


High Yellow Leopard Gecko: An Overview

Distinct Appearance

  • High Yellow Leopard Geckos feature bright yellow coloring on their back, sides, limbs, and underside.
  • Reduced black spotting compared to the standard Leopard Gecko.

Size and Weight

  • Adult High Yellow Leopard Geckos are typically between 6.5 and 8 inches long.
  • Males are heavier than females, weighing around 2 to 3 ounces.
  • Females can weigh as little as 1.5 ounces.

Variety of Morphs

  • High Yellow is one of many Leopard Gecko morphs.
  • Other morphs include Normal, Aberrant, Blizzard, and Hypo Melanistic, among many others.


  • When Leopard Geckos were introduced to the United States, the only available morphs were Normal and High Yellow.
  • High Yellows are a line bred trait.


Origin and Genetics

The High Yellow Leopard Gecko had its origins in the rocky dry grassland and desert regions of Afghanistan, Iran, Pakistan, India, and Nepal. When first introduced into the United States, the only morphs available were Normal and High Yellows. Over time, selective breeding played a vital role in developing the High Yellow morph.


  • High Yellows are a line bred trait, meaning they were selectively bred for their specific characteristics, mainly the vast amount of yellow on their body and reduced black spotting.
  • They are not linked to a specific gene that could be inherited in a simple dominant or recessive manner like some other morphs such as albinos or Mack Snows.

Selective breeding:

  • Breeders carefully choose geckos with the desired traits and pair them together to produce offspring with similar or enhanced characteristics.
  • Through multiple generations of such breeding, the High Yellow has become a well-established morph in captivity.

In comparison to the wild type and normal Leopard Geckos, High Yellows exhibit more vibrant and extensive yellow coloration, while the wild type and normals display a more subdued coloration with prominent black spots. By leveraging genetics and selective breeding, the High Yellow morph has become a popular choice among Leopard Gecko enthusiasts.

Distinctive Physical Features

The High Yellow Leopard Gecko is a visually stunning morph, known for its unique appearance. This section highlights some of the distinctive physical features that make this gecko stand out from other gecko species and morphs:

  • Yellow body coloration: The High Yellow Leopard Gecko’s most striking feature is its bright yellow-orange color. This vibrant hue covers not just the gecko’s back and sides but also extends to its underside and limbs.
  • Black spotting: Along with the yellow coloration, these geckos usually display dark spots or stripes. However, the High Yellow Leopard Gecko is characterized by reduced black spotting compared to the standard Leopard Gecko. The patterning can vary, with some geckos having more spots than others, and some individuals may even lack stripes altogether.
  • Size: High Yellow Leopard Geckos are a medium-sized lizard species, with adults typically reaching a length of 8-10 inches, including their tail.

Leopard Geckos, in general, possess several physical features that distinguish them from other geckos:

  • Eyelids: Unlike most gecko species, Leopard Geckos have functional eyelids. This characteristic enables them to blink and protect their eyes from debris.
  • Fat storage in tails: Their thick tails are not just for show – they serve as a fat storage organ. This adaptation allows geckos to survive when food is scarce.
  • Regenerative abilities: Leopard Geckos can regenerate their tails if they lose them in a predator attack or through other means. This remarkable ability helps them escape and survive despite injuries.
  • Versatile toepads: Their toes are equipped with tiny claws instead of adhesive pads, making them more adept at navigating different surfaces.

Overall, the High Yellow Leopard Gecko’s stunning appearance and fascinating physical traits make it an attractive choice for reptile enthusiasts.

High Yellow Morphs and Other Variants

The High Yellow Morph is a stunning leopard gecko morph with a bright yellow base color and few black spots. While high yellow morphs are striking, they are just one example of the many morphs available for leopard geckos. Here are some other popular morphs:

  • Blizzards: These morphs display a solid white or gray coloring and are patternless.
  • Diablo Blanco: This morph is a combination of the RAPTOR and the Blizzard traits, resulting in a striking white body with red eyes.
  • RAPTOR: This acronym stands for Red-eyed Albino Patternless Tremper ORange, a gecko with orange coloring, a patternless body, and red eyes.
  • Blazing Blizzard: A mix between the Blizzard and the Albino morphs, these geckos have a white, yellow, or orange body with no pattern and red eyes.
  • Banana Blizzard: Similar to the Blazing Blizzard but with a predominantly yellow color.

In addition to these morphs, there are many more variations with unique characteristics, including:

  • Super Hypo: A gecko with fewer than ten spots on its body, making its yellow color more prominent.
  • Carrot Head: Named for their orange head coloring, this morph often has carrot-like patterns on its tail as well.
  • Reverse Stripe: This morph features a single unbroken stripe from the neck down to the tail tip.
  • Tremper Albino: A light-colored morph with pink or red eyes due to its albinism.
  • Patternless: As the name suggests, these geckos lack a distinct pattern on their body.
  • Murphy Patternless: Similar to the Patternless morph but with a unique genetic mutation known as the Murphy gene.
  • Red Stripe: This line-bred trait presents a red stripe down the gecko’s back.

Known for their bright colors, Tangerine Leopard Geckos showcase various shades of vibrant oranges and yellows. Other morphs have specific attributes, such as the Super Giant, which reaches a larger size than a typical leopard gecko. The Baldy morph, meanwhile, displays fewer spots on its head.

Some rarer morphs include the Aberrant, with an irregular pattern, the Halloween Mask, with intricate facial markings, the Lavender, with shades of purple in its body color, and the Mack Snow, characterized by white bands on a darker background.

The world of leopard gecko morphs extends beyond these examples, with many unique combinations and variations. Keep in mind that some morphs, like the Enigma, may have associated health issues. It is essential to research and understand the specific morph you’re interested in acquiring to provide the best care possible.

Behavior and Life Span

Leopard geckos, including the high yellow variant, are ground-dwelling lizards that exhibit unique behaviors and life spans. In this section, you will learn about their typical behavior patterns and general life expectancy.


  • Nocturnal: Leopard geckos are active during the night and tend to sleep or rest during the day in their hides.
  • Hunting: In the wild, the leopard gecko’s hunting activity increases around dusk, which helps maximize their chances of capturing prey while reducing the risk of encountering predators.
  • Vocalizations: Leopard geckos occasionally vocalize when they are excited or threatened.
  • Cleanliness: These reptiles have a natural tendency to keep their living areas clean, usually designating specific areas in their enclosure for eliminating waste.

Life Span:

  • In the wild: Leopard geckos generally live for around 6 to 8 years in their natural environment, facing challenges such as predators, limited food, and harsh weather conditions.
  • As pets: With proper care and attention, their life expectancy in captivity can range from 10 to 20 years. To ensure their longevity, it is essential to maintain appropriate temperatures, humidity levels, and diet specific to these unique creatures.

Environment and Habitat

Leopard geckos in the wild originate from semi-arid and arid desert regions of countries such as India, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. As an owner of a High Yellow Leopard Gecko, mimicking their natural habitat is essential for proper care.

Your gecko’s enclosure should reflect their rocky desert environment:

  • Provide a substrate mixture of clay, rock, and gravel, rather than sand, as geckos prefer this type of terrain.
  • Include some low shrubs and hiding spots for them to seek shelter and find camouflage.

Be mindful of the temperature gradient within the enclosure:

  • Leopard geckos need an adequate heat source, maintaining a temperature of around 88-90°F (31-32°C) in the basking area and cooler temperatures of about 75°F (24°C) in other areas.
  • They should also have access to a moist area or humid hide where they can shed their skin comfortably, as well as a source of clean water for drinking and maintaining humidity.

Keep in mind that leopard geckos are crepuscular, meaning they are active during dusk and dawn:

  • Avoid intense light sources during daylight hours.
  • Ensure any provided artificial light is soft and not too bright.

In summary:

  • Use a substrate mix of clay, rock, and gravel.
  • Provide shelter and hiding spots with low shrubs.
  • Maintain a temperature gradient in the enclosure.
  • Include a humid hide and water source.
  • Use soft, low-intensity artificial lighting.

By carefully replicating a High Yellow Leopard Gecko’s natural habitat, you will ensure their well-being and help them lead a healthy, comfortable life in your care.

Health and Care Requirements

To maintain good health and care for your high yellow leopard gecko, follow these recommendations:


  • Provide a 10-gallon aquarium or container as a comfortable home for a single leopard gecko
  • Maintain a gradient temperature of 75°F (cool side) to 86°F (warm side) with a basking spot at 90°F
  • Use a high-quality under tank heater to help regulate temperature

Your high yellow leopard gecko’s diet should consist of:

  • Live insects, such as mealworms and crickets, as primary sources of nutrition
  • Gut-load the insects 24 hours before feeding them to your gecko to ensure optimal nutrient content
  • Dust the insects with calcium and vitamin D3 supplements to promote healthy bone growth and prevent metabolic bone disease
  • Feed adults every other day and juveniles daily, adjusting quantities as needed

Health and Veterinarian Visits:

  • Conduct regular health checks by observing your gecko’s behavior, appetite, skin texture, and overall condition
  • Bring your gecko to a veterinarian specialized in reptiles for an annual check-up and if any health issues arise


  • Clean your gecko’s enclosure regularly, including spot cleaning soiled areas daily and completely replacing the substrate at least once a month
  • Provide hiding spots, climbing branches, and other enrichments to ensure your gecko stays engaged and mentally stimulated

By following these guidelines and monitoring your high yellow leopard gecko’s health, you can ensure that they live a long and fulfilling life.

Breeding High Yellow Leopard Geckos

Breeding High Yellow Leopard Geckos is an intriguing process for reptile enthusiasts. This morph of the Leopard Gecko species, Eublepharis macularius, is known for its vibrant yellow coloration and reduced black spotting compared to the wild-type counterparts. When considering breeding these beautiful creatures, here are some essential points to keep in mind:

  • Sexing Leopard Geckos: To start, you’ll need at least one mixed-sex pair. Learn how to determine the sex of your lizards, as there are distinct criteria to distinguish male Leopard Geckos from female ones.

  • Genetic Traits: High Yellow Leopard Geckos are a line-bred trait, meaning that they have been selectively bred to enhance features like their color phenotypes and reduced black spotting. They don’t have a specific dominant gene; instead, their appearance is the result of generations of selective breeding.

Here are some factors that affect High Yellow Leopard Gecko breeding:

  • Age and Weight: Make sure your geckos reach appropriate age and weight before attempting to breed them. Males should be at least 8-12 months old and weigh around 45 grams, while females should be at least one year old and weigh around 50 grams.

  • Breeding Season: Leopard Geckos usually breed between January and September. This is the best time to introduce your mixed-sex pair and observe their behavior.

  • Proper Environment: Create a comfortable and safe environment for your geckos to breed. Include multiple hiding spots, warm and cool areas, and a moist hide for egg laying.

  • Egg Care: Once your female gecko lays eggs, carefully remove them and place them in an incubator. Maintain appropriate temperatures for the eggs to hatch successfully, usually between 78-88°F.

By following these guidelines, you can confidently breed High Yellow Leopard Geckos and enjoy the unique beauty they bring to the reptile world. Stay knowledgeable and attentive to your geckos’ needs to ensure a successful breeding experience.

High Yellow Leopard Geckos as Pets

High Yellow leopard geckos are a popular pet among reptile enthusiasts. They are a result of the High Yellow morph, which was among the first leopard gecko mutations bred in captivity. As the name suggests, they boast a vibrant yellow coloration and reduced black spotting.

Ease of Care and Space Requirements:

  • Leopard geckos, including High Yellow morphs, are relatively easy to care for, making them suitable for both novice and experienced reptile keepers.
  • Space-wise, a young leopard gecko or a pair can be managed in a 10-gallon tank. Adult geckos require around 20 gallons of space. Opt for a tank that is longer than it is tall since these geckos usually move around on the ground.

Handling and Behavior:

  • High Yellow leopard geckos are generally docile and can tolerate occasional handling after an initial period of acclimation. Consistent gentle handling can help further build trust between you and your gecko.

Feeding and Diet:

  • High Yellow leopard geckos primarily feed on live insects such as crickets, mealworms, and occasionally waxworms. Providing a varied diet ensures balanced nutrition.

Cost and Availability:

  • For a High Yellow leopard gecko, expect to pay around $60 to $100 depending on factors like age and quality. Most pet stores carry a range of leopard geckos, including the High Yellow morph.

By choosing a High Yellow leopard gecko as your pet, you are opting for a visually striking and manageable reptile, perfect for any level of expertise in reptile care.

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