Can Leopard Geckos Eat Dubia Roaches?  (AND How Many to Feed Them)

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Dubia roaches are a great source of protein for many different types of animals, including leopard geckos. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at whether or not leopard geckos can eat Dubia roaches and, if so, how to do it safely. Let’s get started. 

Can leopard geckos eat dubia roaches then?

Leopard geckos can eat dubia roaches. Dubia roaches are a good source of protein and other nutrients for leopard geckos. Dubia roaches do not have sharp spines like some insects, and will not injure your leopard gecko. Take care to feed your Leo dubia roaches in moderation to avoid obesity. 

Where would you get them? Are their different varieties? Are they more nutritious than crickets? Yes, they are, and they’re an important part of your lizard’s diet. 

How to Feed Dubia Roaches to Leopard Geckos

Gut loading Dubia Roaches for Leopard Geckos

Gut loading is important as it ensures that your leopard gecko gets the nutrients they need. It’s done by feeding your roaches 24 hours before feeding them to your gecko. Gut loading can be done with a mix of vegetables such as healthy sweet potatoes, carrots, kale, broccoli, and pumpkin. Avoid citrus fruits with your leopard gecko

A protein-rich dinner

These dubia roaches are a favorite of the leopard gecko, and they feed and nourish the little reptile without being unhealthy for them. You can safely say that they are the leopard gecko’s staple food. 

Your leopard gecko would start hunting for food in the evening in the wild. So the best time to feed your leopard gecko will be in the evening. 

Young geckos require feeding every day

Baby- and juvenile leopard geckos need feeding of insects every day. You can give them about six small roaches. Leopard geckos love chowing on these dubia roaches because they have soft bodies. When these are punctured, a protein-rich liquid is released. It is filled with the necessary nutrients for a leopard gecko. They are much safer to feed your baby leopard gecko than say mealworm beetles are.

The roaches are also easy to digest, and they are far easier to catch than crickets. They don’t fly or leap, so even leopard geckos under par can still manage to catch one for dinner. 

Are Dubia Roaches Better Than Crickets for Leopard Geckos 

Dubia roaches are preferred over crickets as they provide more calcium for your leopard gecko. This calcium is critical for leopard geckos as it helps to prevent metabolic bone disease. This disease can be very painful for your lizard. Your pet will also need fat and protein, which roaches have in abundance. 

People with a deep interest in herpetology will tell you that you should dust your roaches with calcium. True, these dubia roaches are high in nutrients, but calcium can still be supplemented to ensure the leopard gecko’s diet is never devoid of calcium. 

You can buy these calcium products at your local pet shop. You can add the calcium supplement into a plastic bag, along with your roaches. Shake the bag and empty the roaches into the habitat. It will ensure that your leopard gecko gets all the calcium it needs to ensure strong, healthy bones.

How to Keep Dubia Roaches for Leopard Geckos 

Known as the orange-spotted roach, the roaches are packed full of juicy delights for your leopard gecko. They are one of the most sought-after live feeders for omnivorous and insectivorous reptiles and you can breed your own. 

These dubia roaches are a delicacy for your gecko. They are medium-sized cockroaches native to Central and South America. Certainly, they are a great source of nutrition for your insectivorous pet. 

As mentioned, some people who keep a number of insectivorous pets prefer to get their own Dubia roach colony going. Breeding the roaches will require you to have a secure enclosure, egg flats, and a heat source. 

Roach habitat accessories

The enclosure can be a dark-colored plastic bin with smooth sides and a lid. These egg flats are an excellent way to increase the surface area in your dubia colony. Dubia roaches love hiding away, and these egg flats provide those tight hiding places that dubias look for. 

They should be placed vertically in the colony. When you receive your roaches, you can feed them bits of fruit and vegetables from your kitchen. Other than that, you can buy roach chow. This ensures that your roaches get the right nutrients that will ultimately help your leopard gecko thrive. 

Your roaches will also require a shallow water dish. 

Provide heat for roaches to thrive

Dubia roaches thrive on warmth, so a small heater will be needed if you are storing your insects in a cold store-room. It would be best if you had your roaches grow, but whether they do or not depends on the temperatures they live in. 

If your roaches aren’t the ideal size and you want them to grow, then make sure you provide them with temperatures between 70 and 90° Fahrenheit. 

Many people don’t like handling dubia roaches and look at a roach subscription as an alternative. This means that you receive the right size dubia roaches, the right amount, and at the right time. The roaches are delivered right to your door for your leopard gecko.  

Dubia roaches are shipped alive and intact

Those who breed dubia roaches are used to packing them for safe shipping. They pack them so that they arrive alive and in excellent condition. The suppliers will even send you information on setting up a temporary habitat for your roaches. You can then feed your leopard gecko from these stocks over the coming weeks. 

How Many Dubia Roaches to Feed a Leopard Gecko

These roaches come in various sizes, and so does your leopard gecko. Your leopard gecko varies in age and metabolism to other gecko leopards. Therefore, it won’t need the same amount of dubia roaches as the next leopard gecko.

  • Your baby leopard gecko of 0-4 months can be fed 4 – 8 roaches every day. Please make sure they are the ¼ inch roaches. 
  • A juvenile leopard gecko up to 10 months of age will eat about 6 – 10 one-inch roaches every other day. 
  • Geckos that are 10 months and older will eat about 15 roaches every other day. They’re the bigger roaches that are 1.5 inches in size. The juveniles should be fed every day, while the older gecko can be fed every other day.

Related: Can Leopard Geckos eat ants?


Disgusting though we may believe any kind of cockroach to be, our leopard geckos love them and ensure proper nutrition. Whether you breed your own roaches, you buy them from the pet shop or order them online, dubia roaches are the perfect dinner for your exotic pet.