Can Leopard Geckos Eat Wax Worms? (Nutritional Value & Feeding Advice)

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Are you wondering if leopard geckos can eat waxworms? The article below will cover everything you need to know about feeding your leopard gecko wax worms. 

Leopard Geckos can eat Wax worms. However, Wax Worms do not have much nutritional value. They are high fat and will cause your leopard gecko to gain weight. Think of them like chips. They make a great treat but should only be fed to your Leo sparingly. 

Are wax worms bad for leopard geckos?

There’s no definitive answer to this question since there is limited research on the subject. However, based on what is known, it seems that wax worms can be a healthy source of protein for leopard geckos and are generally safe to feed.

That said, there are a few things to keep in mind if you decide to give your leopard gecko wax worms.

  1. First, make sure that the worms are offered in moderation – too many can lead to weight gain.
  2. Second, ensure that the wax worms are properly gut-loaded before offering them to your gecko. This means feeding them a diet of healthy foods like fruits and vegetables before feeding them to your gecko.
  3. And finally, as with any food, make sure that the wax worms you feed your leopard gecko are fresh and free of parasites.

When should I feed wax worms to my leopard geckos?

The best time to feed waxworms to your leopard geckos is shortly after they’ve eaten their regular meal. This will help to ensure that they don’t overeat and become overweight. It’s also a good idea to offer them fresh water after you’ve fed them the wax worms.

The ideal feeding frequency is once every two to three days when using waxworms. However, if your leopard gecko is not putting on weight or appears to be losing weight, you can increase the frequency of feeding up to every day.

It is important to know that waxworms should not be used as a regular diet for leopard geckos as they are high in fat. Instead, they should only be offered as an occasional treat. Remember to consult with your veterinarian if you have any questions or concerns about your leopard gecko’s diet.

How many wax worms to feed a leopard gecko

There is no fixed answer to this question, as it will depend on the size and age of your leopard gecko and how active it is.

As a rule of thumb, you should aim to feed your leopard gecko around 3-5 waxworms, 3 times a week.

However, monitor your leopard gecko’s weight and adjust the amount you feed accordingly. If your leopard gecko starts to gain weight, reduce the number of waxworms you are feeding it, and if your leopard gecko loses weight or becomes thin, increase the number of waxworms you are feeding it.

What do Wax Worms do to leopard geckos?

Waxworms are nearly worthless for nutrition; however, they are extremely fatty and lack the necessary vitamins and minerals required for Leopard Gecko health. Waxworms are beneficial in small amounts, but excessive consumption may be harmful to your gecko’s health.

Can leopard geckos eat dried wax worms?

While waxworms are natural food for leopard geckos, dried waxworms are not. Most insects are acceptable for leopard geckos, but dried mealworms should never be offered. Dead or dried mealworms that have been deprived of all nutrients are not suitable for leopard geckos. Reconsider worm meals that are not live and have been commercially dried.

Can baby leopard geckos eat wax worms?

Yes, Leopard Geckos can consume Waxworms – they would most likely want to eat nothing else. And that is precisely the problem! These fatty, delicious worms are like a tasty pizza to these lizards and maybe a delightful treat.

Waxworms should not be a part of the diet for juvenile Leopard Geckos since they need a wide range of food and nutrients to develop and stay healthy. You don’t want your child scoffing down a huge fatty cheeseburger like you would with toddlers.

At what age can baby leopard geckos eat wax worms?

Stick to a combination of mealworms and crickets for baby Leopard Geckos until they are older than nine months old. Once your Leo has completed the 9-month trial, you may start exposing him to waxworms. But beware, as these waxworms can quickly become a preferred food and make it difficult to introduce other, healthier fare down the line.

Offering your baby leo a waxworm as a treat every once in a while is okay, but don’t let him become fixated on them as his sole diet. Too much of anything is not healthy – including fatty waxworms.

What will happen if my leopard gecko only eats wax worms? 

It’s not good for your leopard gecko to only eat wax worms. Waxworms are high in fat and low in protein, so they won’t provide your leopard gecko with the necessary nutrients to stay healthy. Additionally, a diet that is too high in fat can lead to health problems like liver disease and pancreatitis.

You should try to mix up your leopard gecko’s diet by feeding it a variety of different insects, such as mealworms, crickets, and dubia roaches. This will ensure that your leopard gecko gets the nutrients it needs to stay healthy.

Can leopard geckos get addicted to wax worms?

Some leopard geckos may become addicted to wax worms, while others will not. If your leopard gecko becomes addicted to wax worms, you should try to wean it off of them by gradually reducing the number of waxworms you are feeding it. Some owners testify that even feeding their leopard geckos once a week with wax worms is enough to make them addicted.

Can leopard geckos eat waxworm moths?

Crickets are the staple diet for your leopard gecko. However, waxworms can be offered as a treat every once in a while. However, Waxworm moths are not healthy for leopard geckos to eat and should not be given as a substitute for the regular diet of crickets.

What other worms could leopard geckos eat?

Mealworms and crickets are the ideal insects to feed your Leopard Gecko. In addition, Waxworms, butterworms, silkworms, tomato hornworms, beetles, sowbugs, and cockroaches can all be fed. Waxworms and super worms should only be offered as a special and occasional treat.

How to keep your waxworms alive for your leopard geckos?

If you want to offer your leopard gecko live waxworms, you will need to keep them alive. You can do this by keeping them in a container with a moist paper towel or piece of sponge. Change the water and moistener daily, and ensure that the worms have plenty to eat.

50-60 degrees Fahrenheit is the ideal temperature for keeping waxworms alive. However, you can place your container of waxworms in a refrigerator or an unheated room to maintain the correct temperature. This will help to delay the metamorphosis process.

Why won’t my leopard gecko eat wax worms?

 There could be a few reasons why your leopard gecko won’t eat wax worms.

One reason might be that your leopard gecko is not used to eating wax worms. Waxworms are a high-fat, high-calorie food, so they should only make up a small percentage of your leopard gecko’s diet. If your leopard gecko is not used to eating them, it may be rejecting them because of the new taste.

Another reason why your leopard gecko may not be eating wax worms is that the worms are unhealthy for your pet. Waxworms can contain harmful bacteria and parasites that can make your gecko sick. Therefore, it’s important to give your leopard gecko healthy and nutritious food.

Some owners say that leopard geckos sometimes get bored with eating the waxworms if you feed them too frequently.

Should I force-feed my leopard gecko wax worms?

Expert hobbyists will not advise you to force-feed your leopard gecko. You should only feed your leopard gecko waxworms if it is willing to eat them. Force-feeding should only be your last resort if your leopard gecko will not eat any other food.

Will wax worms cause fat leopard geckos?

If in moderation, waxworms will not cause your leopard gecko to become obese. However, if they have waxworms too often, they may become obese.

Related: Can leopard geckos eat bloodworms?

Final Thoughts

Yes, leopard geckos can eat waxworms. However, they should only make up a small percentage of your leopard gecko’s diet, and they should never be given as a substitute for the regular diet of crickets.

With too much of a good thing, there can be problems. With the nature of waxworms, too much of these can lead to obesity in a leopard gecko. Waxworms can also contain harmful bacteria and parasites, so it is important to give your leopard gecko a proper diet of healthy insects.

Remember to contact a veterinarian if you see any health problems in your leopard gecko, as they will be able to help you determine the best diet for your pet.